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Bangka Island One Day Trip


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The area around Bangka Island has more than 30 world-class diving locations and hosts a
wonderful variety of marine life. It is situated directly off the shore of North Sulawesi coast and
encompasses four islands in the chain, Lihaga, Tindila, Talise and Bangka. With its 30 plus
dive sites this area is suitable for every level of diving experience and certification, some sites
offer excellent drift diving opportunities as well.

The underwater terrain includes pinnacles where one can see tuna, mackerel, spotted eagle
rays. Soft corals abound as well as a variety of fish, which are regular inhabitants of this area.
Typically the entire area of Bangka is less dived simply because of its remoter location. The
following dive resorts are perfectly situated to access these sites where fans, colorful sponges
as well as small critters exist together in virtually the same area.

​*Minimum 4 pax

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